
Tuesday 23 October 2018


Dear Earthlings,

Anjem Choudary has been released from prison after just serving half of his 5-1/2 year sentence and he is supposed to be the most rabid hate preacher in England.  Can you believe this?  This could not have happened without some connivance on the part of the British authorities.  The fact is the British govt likes to infiltrate terrorist groups with its agents and Choudary could have been part of that recruiting network.

Gullible Britishers have been taken for a ride by their elected government.  They should now be asking their treacherous leaders a few tough questions.

  1.   In what way has his imprisonment changed him for the better?
  2.   What were the steps taken by the govt to deradicalise him?
  3.   Why is he being released so early?  Not for good behavior, regular namaz, wudu, etc. I presume.
  4.   How many more terrorists were deradicalised by the govt?
  5.   Why is there so much secrecy around this?  Will not these deradicalised terrorists be the most effective advt. for the success of the CONTEST program?
  6.   If he is a deradicalisation success story, then why are 2 million pounds being spent on his protection?

The plain fact is that most common Britishers, including journalists do not know how to deal with this pest.  They are constrained by the highfalutin principles that the EU and their human rights armies propagate globally.  His wife has been holding fort while he has been in prison without so much as a sweat.

The English govt lacks the organic weapons needed to deal with such enemies of Homo sapiens.  Death penalty is the apt approach to get rid of these vermin.  However freedom of speech objects to it saying that it is barbaric and is not a deterrent claiming to invoke study after study to prove her case.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  The deterrence effect of the death penalty for apostasy in Islam itself proves that most Muslims are deterred by the death penalty.

All the political parties on the right and the left keep the ordinary people distracted by blaming each other for the problem, but the fact is they have all deliberately misinformed their own people about the nature of the problem for purely economic gain.  SHARIA IS THE BLUEPRINT OF ISLAMIC TERROR.  In the name of freedom of religion, sharia has been given a free hand.

Obama, like his predecessors, certified that Islam is a great religion.  This is how the international establishment co-opts those who are the icons of change.  Instead of giving lectures on human rights to Myanmar, the British govt which has occupied a permanent seat in the UNSC should try to justify it by taking the lead in formulating a GLOBAL SHARIA BAN TREATY.  Austria, Hungary, and Poland will be the first to support such a treaty.  It should stop secret surveillance of Muslims and do it openly.

REMINDER:  You can save the planet by understanding, educating, sharing, and donating.  Do your bit.

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