
Tuesday 20 November 2018


Dear Earthlings,

Sponsored by mass media manipulation, the season of nationalism is in full swing in Europe and America.  Trump was the biggest harvester of nationalism and many others are following in his wake.  Today, we will try to understand what this highfalutin nationalism means.  In the Trump thesaurus, nationalism means MAGA.  Judging by American GDP at least, it is difficult to understand what exactly Trump means by greatness.

One aspect of nationalism is of course keeping the OTHER out.  That seems to be the limited meaning even in Europe, narrow nationalism based on identity.  Globalism is the adversary of nationalism and wants to keep the doors and windows open for everybody, including the dangerous Muslims.  In American nationalism, Muslims from certain lawless states like Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Syria are not allowed entry, but perhaps it was American nationalism itself that is responsible for their lawlessness.

American nationalism wants regime change across the globe, and american globalism also wants the same thing.  British nationalism does not want the European courts to interfere with their sovereignty but has no qualms about lecturing Myanmar government on treatment of Rohingyas which is a trait they share with Mike Pence of American nationalism.  What is happening to Rohingyas is in no way different from what is happening in Iraq or Syria.

American nationalism stands up in support of Uighur nationalism.  American nationalism supports the rights of the Uighur nation to sport beards, skull caps, wear veils, and use Islam for secessionist and separatist activities.  Uighur globalists join the ISIS training camps and try with CIA support to infiltrate back into China to commit terrorist activists.  The CIA must be either nationalist or globalist, who knows?

Chinese nationalism opposes Uighur nationalism and globalist Islam, but supports Kashmir nationalism and Pakistani nationalism.  Judging from these examples it seems that the right hand of the nationalist does not know what the left hand of the globalist is doing.  There is a complete schizophrenic relationship between the right and the left and the public are being egged on to pick sides and enjoy the freedom to protest, which democracy has thrust upon them.

Keeping aside these meaningless classifications, it is important for the western deceivers to recognize that their political and economical fundamentalism has failed them and start cooperating with each other in evolving a meaningful antijihad approach rather than unscrupulous competition in the name of free trade.

It is not empowerment of women that will end terror, but empowerment of mothers to recognize the dangers of Islam and resist poisoning of their children's minds by Islamic prejudices routinely preached in any standard madrasa or mosque.  In that light, China's focus on reeducation of Uighur kids is right on the dot.  THIS IS THE SINE QUA NON OF A SUCCESSFUL ANTIJIHAD POLICY, PREVENTING THE FAMILIAL TRANSMISSION OF JIHADI VALUES.

If the Americans had tried implementing such a strategy in Afghanstan 17 years ago rather than holding elections and reserving seats for burkha-clad feminists, they would have been half-way home by now.

REMINDER:  You can save the planet by understanding, educating, sharing the post and donating.  Do your bit.

1 comment:

  1. We dismantled Nazism and Shintoism after ww2 and I'm a nationalist but no fucking neocon. I believe we're far more isolationist than many realise. I'm with the commies on islam and can't believe Bush blew the golden opportunity to destroy islam by noon on 9-11
