
Tuesday 6 November 2018


Dear Earthlings,

The ECHR has been technically very accurate when it ruled that Mohammad cannot justifiably be called a pedophile.  Marriage to an underage Aisha is just that and nothing else, but the seminar of Elizabeth Sabaditsch of Austria was about Basic Information on Islam and she was providing a very important social service in educating people about the dangers of Islam and murderous idolatry of Muhammad.

Anybody knows that when aiming at a target, not every bullet will hit the bull's eye.  So considering that so few liberals can even attempt to come up with a decent criticism of Islam and the yeoman's service she was providing, she should have been rewarded for it and small indiscretions overlooked.  The panel of judges could not have been unaware of the Geert Wilders case in Sweden, or the Salman Rushdie affair or the Charlie Hebdo massacre and acquiesced in the general consensual appeasement of Muslim fanatics by the European political class.

As usual, distinguished British intellectuals waxed eloquent about not protecting any beliefs and hurt feelings.  If people called Gandhi a bigot and Marx a monster, then they had the right to do so was how some eminent intellectual paraphrased it.  Giving of offence should not be criminalized says the British headmaster of free speech.  The question arises, is this the right framework to see the issue?  The matter is being completely generalized and tossed in the realm of the abstract.

From a life and death issue, it has been trivialized to a slanging match between admirers of Gandhi and Marx who are both passe.  Has this been done just as a matter of liberal routine or is there more to it than meets the eye?  Is Kenan Malik a cryptoMuslim?  Or is he a cryptocommunist?  But this blogger will frame the question differently.  Is Islam a religion of peace or is it not?  That is the question.  Now let Kenan Malik and his fellow liberals say that people have the right to see it both ways.

No, emphatically no, because only one answer is true and that answer will decide the lives of billions of Homo sapiens like Brent Taylor.  Brent Taylor died because Europeans and Americans were misled by their politicians and pseudointellectuals like Kenan Malik that Afghanistan was ripe for democracy, people everywhere are the same and that Islam is the most peaceful religion on the planet, even more peaceful than Buddhism.  That lie has led to the death of Brent Taylor and many others like him and will continue to bleed civil societies across the world.

The truth is Mr. Malik that only you and your English masters believe that they have the right to defend the peaceful nature of Islam in spite of all evidence to the contrary.  Why should not the Quran be outlawed?  Why should not Islamic worship be restricted?  Why are you giving the cleric the equal right to offend kafirs? What is this peculiar EuroAmerican fetish for human rights that you display like a thong?  Is this "challenging both robustly" some kind of MMA tournament that you are sponsoring?  IT IS NOT BELIEF VERSUS BELIEF BUT FACT VERSUS BELIEF.

Not to be outdone, some UK newspapers made it a sovereignty issue of UK parliament and how unelected judges undermine it.   This is how the media creates unnecessary controversy where it is not needed.  Have the elected leaders of Europe acquitted themselves well when it comes to the migration crisis?  To top it all, the President of the European Parliament , Antonio Tajani calls for the release of Asiya Bibi.

How on earth is she to be released without "stirring up prejudice, threatening religious peace, and arousing justified indignation"?  I would request those who chance upon this blog to take the trouble to express your dissent directly to Mr. Kenan Malik on Twitter, and The Guardian.  I would like you to discuss this post with like minded individuals.  That is the very minimum that you can do.

REMINDER:  You can save the planet by understanding, educating, sharing this post and donating.  Do your bit.

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