
Monday 1 July 2019


Dear Earthlings,

Welcome to the Gabapagos Islands.  No, wait, do not rush to your atlas to search for this new location.  This is an exotic land on internet where many people, like me, who have been capsized from Twitter, end up being marooned.  We send frantic messages to the wider world to rescue us from this isolated haven but in vain.  Like the Galapagos islands, where Darwin conceived his theory of evolution, this place too is bustling with species not found anywhere else in its stark nakedness.

But more about that later.  Let me tell you, in short, my sad story of how I landed here.  I began my social media journey on Twitter in September 2018.  My account was a hard-hitting Islamic criticism-based one.  I faced quite frequent but minor reprimands for even the slightest criticism of Islam.  I was willing to put up with with, but scarcely did I imagine that hardly 6 months after beginning my revolutionary Twitter account, I would end up with a rude jolt that I received from Twitter like this notice in March 2019.

Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter's Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct.

It is against our rules to promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.

Additionally, if we determine that the primary purpose of an account is to incite harm towards others on the basis of these categories, that account may be suspended without prior warning.

You can learn more about our policy against hateful conduct here:



As you can see, there is not even the slightest indication of what exactly was the hateful conduct that they suspended me for.  They have not given any example of my inciting harm towards others and have gone ahead and suspended my account.  This is completely arbitrary action driven by purely corporate interest.  I had run foul of them on an earlier occasion and had written a post on that in detail which gives an idea of how Twitter is an avid defender of Islam.  But this time, they proved to be smarter and just suspended me without having the basic decency to give even one valid reason for doing so.

However, in doing so, Twitter has displayed its truly American character, a global rogue who is interested only in profits even to the detriment of Homo sapiens as a whole.  I would have loved to sue Twitter, but I do not trust the law, which is Islamophilic to the core, nor do I have the funds to enter into a prolonged legal battle.

That brings me to the Gab Islands which I am now a resident of.  Twitter, Facebook, and other mainstream and social media represent American corporate culture and its axis with Saudi Arabian petrodollars.  Mainstream EuroAmerican culture will not brook any disrespect of Islam which is immediately branded as Islamophobia and vilified.  Quora has a BE RESPECTFUL, BE POLITE policy, which immediately censors anything remotely critical of Islam.  There are whole armies of Muslims out there, reporting abuse of Islam.

But then there is the other side of America, the land of free speech, where any individual can say and do whatever they want and that is Gab.  Here is where Americans can get together and curse the joos, the niggas, the LGBTQIA + and the lefties to their heart's content touting their great constitution.  On Gab, America is the glorious land of free enterprise, and CNN and are all lefties.  The globalists have taken over America and the gabizens are reaching for the guns of their forefathers to liberate their superpower country from their clutches with their handguns aiming for globalist turkeys.

The joos never want to make America great again.  It is they who have plotted to make the earth a sphere instead of the perfectly flat baseball ground that it is.  The niggas want to besmirch the pure skinned American species.  The LGBTQIA+ is a left wing conspiracy to destroy the American family.  All kinds of legitimately loony ideas have a perfect playground on Gab.  Here Americans can vent out their guilt for what mainstream America really is.

Twitter and Gab put together represent the Jekyll and Hyde personality of America.  Twitter, the public face of America does all it can to love the minorities, the Muslims, Joos, lefties, the feminists and presents a suave, progressive, liberal face just to rake in the profits and all that suppressed hatred finds its safe sanctuary on Gab.  On Twitter, it is profits that trump the facts, and on Gab, it is the fake propaganda that subdues the reality.

All that fake concern for hate speech on social media, and not even a mention of the hate in Islam, the quran, the sharia, allah and his most famous rasool.

AMERICAN PUBLIC DISCOURSE IS A FIXED WWF MATCH FOR ADULTS BETWEEN THE PSEUDORIGHT AND THE PSEUDOLEFT.  Everything about it is phoney.  It is a fake freedom struggle and a pursuit of fake victories and happiness.  There are fake heroes, fake villains, fake scapegoats, fake problems, and fake solutions.  All that happens is exchange of fake wealth and that's it.

REMINDER:  You can save the planet by understanding, educating, sharing this post, and donating.  Do your bit.


  1. why do you think the thought police won't strike you at blogspot?

  2. I do not think they won't, but until they do, I will take my chance. Are there any other free blogging platforms that you would recommend? Just in case....
